The answer to this queston depends on several factors.  If the question is regarding supplemental protein in the form of feed, then a good, balanced protein pellet that provides not only protein, but also essential nutrients and vitamins would be the top option.  If the question is regarding plots or plantings aimed at providing additional forage for wildlife then there are a few alternatives.  Cowpeas can provide a great deal of high quality, protein rich forage for deer and other wildlife.  Cowpeas tend to be a bit more drought hardy than soybeans and are adapted to a variety of soil types but tend to struggle more in high clay soils.  Cowpeas are highly sought after by deer and other wildlife and as a result, can be over grazed during establishment. Soybeans also can provide a great deal of high quality forage and tend to perform better on higher quality soils.  Soybeans can be planted in cooler soil temperatures than Cowpeas and thus can be planted earlier hopefully taking advantage of seasonal rainfall.  Soybeans are also often overgrazed during establishment.  Other options are Sunflowers, Lab Lab, Sunn Hemp or Sorghums.


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